Morningstar Australasia Complaints Guide
for retail consumers and small businesses
At Morningstar we believe in putting our client’s interests first, we value your feedback, including where you may be
dissatisfied with our products, service, staff, or even our complaints handling process. This complaints guide is here to
assist you in sharing your feedback and complaints with us. You will find information on how to make a complaint and
guidance on what to expect from us and how long we will take to address your complaint, including information on
where to take your complaint further if you are unsatisfied with our response.
Morningstar is committed to ensuring your complaint is treated seriously and dealt with promptly, fairly and
consistently in line with our Complaints Management Principles. You can read more about our Complaints
Management Principles in our Complaints Handling Policy.
What would you like to tell us?
Feedback and complaints can be made to us by:
Morningstar.com.au and FirstLinks members and subscribers:
gEmail: help.au@morningstar.com; firstlinks@morningstar.com
gPhone: 1800 03 44 55 (Australia)
0800 888 363 (New Zealand)
+61 2 9276 4455 (calling from overseas)
Morningstar AdviserLogic users:
gEmail: adviserlogicsupport@morningstar.com
gPhone: 1800 314 773 (Australia)
+61 2 9276 4527 (calling from overseas)
Adviser Research Center users:
gEmail: helpdesk.au@morningstar.com
gPhone: 1800 348 628 (Australia)
0800 888 361 (New Zealand)
+61 2 9276 4446 (calling from overseas)
Where you are unable to make a complaint yourself, we are happy to accept complaints made on your behalf through
a representative. Simply have your representative confirm they are making a complaint on your behalf and we will
correspond with your representative regarding your complaint.
ABN: 95 090 665 544
AFSL: 240 892
September 2021